The San Francisco Taxi Workers Alliance

Thank you so much for all of your support and enthusiasm so far.

We are very close to becoming an official charter of the AFL-CIO.


Please keep checking this space for updates on the union and what will very soon be a fully functioning and interactive site.

We're building our database of drivers and building our infrastructure as fast as we can. We appreciate your patience at this time. Please keep the sign ups coming.  You can also sign up on this site here for updates.  


Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Jim Nakamura
    commented 2014-09-21 11:25:29 -0700
    Where do I send my dues ?
  • Austin Peterson
    commented 2014-08-14 21:18:29 -0700
    This is not only a fight for taxi drivers to make an acceptable living, this is an overall fight for a right way to treat all workers and a wrong way to treat all workers. Any efforts to reduce taxi drivers wages must be reversed with the observation that taxi drivers put their bodies on the front lines of an increasingly dangerous world.
  • Ron Wolter
    commented 2014-08-14 01:49:23 -0700
    Wasn’t able to attend Verdi event. Let me know how to sign up for National Organization. Thanks!
  • Walter Derby
    commented 2014-07-29 17:14:45 -0700
    Beginning with a solid intention to benefit all sentient beings… especially cabdrivers…